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Our Services

From in-person to virtual assistance, Teaching Tech offers a wide array of programs to support community seniors in their technological journeys. 


Small-Group Classes

Our group sessions with small student-instructor ratios offer individualized attention, enabling participants to have their personal technology questions answered. Plus, Teaching Tech provides personalized flashcards and learning resources to seniors after the lesson to provide out-of-class assistance. We offer these sessions at partner community centers and retirement communities on a scheduled basis. 


Individual Appointments

We also work with partner community centers and retirement communities to offer individual help sessions to patrons. By appointment, two volunteers will assist each senior with their personal technology questions to provide even more individualized assistance. Patrons can sign up for these sessions through direct correspondence with program leaders or through listed time slots on the partner organization’s calendar, if available.


Virtual Assistance

We provide flashcards, videos, and other resources to class participants in person and through our website's Resources page. These help seniors to incorporate skills learnt during classes and individual appointments into their everyday lives. Additionally, at personal request we provide virtual tech assistance via calls, emails, and online meetings.

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